Questions and Answers

Considering that I have not been the most consistent of bloggers, I was very surprised when Jenny of Kdrama&More told me that she had nominated me for a Liebster award. Thank you very much for this, Jenny. I am v. v. flattered to be included on your list given that I completed only one K-drama last year (and haven’t even gotten around to writing about it yet =.=)

I’m aware that there’s another component to the Liebster Awards but I think I’ll answer your questions first because knowing me, it will take another five billion years before I get around to the rest of it. So here goes:

1) If you could go on a date with an actor/actress for one day who would you choose and why? Continue reading “Questions and Answers”

Music Video of the Week: Telephone cover by Team Kozan

It’s not uncommon to find western classical musicians covering pop songs but this is the first time I’ve come across a cover that makes use of traditional Japanese instruments (specifically a  bamboo flute and zither known as a shakuhachi and koto respectively). I wouldn’t have thought this would work with a Lady Gaga song and I’m surprised how well the musicians behind Team Kozan pull it off.

What makes this cover even more special is their reason for doing it:

“We Japanese got a lot of help from GAGA 2 years ago for “Japan earthquake”. We never forget gratitude to GAGA. and We wish GAGA complete recovery,and we are waiting for comeback of GAGA.”

(Insert: “Awww…”)

I’ve never heard of Team Kozan before but from what I gather browsing their website, the founder Ishikura Kozan is a shakuhachin expert and also offers lessons to those interested in picking up the instrument. Details and more videos can be found on their website:

Love, Looove, Loooooove: Smart Motery Man

I am about to collapse from jet lag and exhaustion after spending the whole day navigating Tokyo’s metro but before I do that, I want to post this first.

So today I watched Daito’s stage play, Smart Motery Man, and if it were possible, I’d buy another ticket and watch it again — yes, it is that fabulous. (I thought I was being early by buying my ticket more than a month in advance. Obviously, that wasn’t enough. All the seats on the ground floor were already gone by the time I started looking for tickets.)

Hand on heart, I could not recognise Daito at all when I first saw him on stage. The way he looked, moved and sounded was so different that for about 15 minutes, I was wondering when he was going to show up…until it dawned on me that the guy with the weird perm and funny accent was actually him.


Initially, I thought his character was going to be your average salaryman with zero game — that was the impression I got from all the promo materials — but him playing a loser yankii is obviously 10,000 times better. Oh god, and wait till you hear him rap. That definitely woke me up from my jet lag…XDD  Continue reading “Love, Looove, Loooooove: Smart Motery Man”

Dramas on My Mind: Fall 2012 Edition

Now that the Olympics are over, who’s excited for the next season of dramas? I don’t know about you but nothing really made me swoon this past summer (though this might change once I start watching Answer Me 1997 and Arang proper.) However the fall season is looking really promising (for J-dramas, at least.) Question is: Will they live up to their potential?

This season, I am looking forward to:

The last time I did one of these things, all my predictions backfired on me and I ended up being underwhelmed by the dramas I thought I’d love and loving those I thought I’d find stupid as hell. (I’m not sure I want to know what this says about me -.-;) Hopefully reality won’t be too cruel to my expectations this time round. Continue reading “Dramas on My Mind: Fall 2012 Edition”

He’s a Woman, She’s a Man…

Boys cross-dressing as girls is nothing new in the world of J-drama entertainment but I never thought the day would come when even Daito would get on board the gender-bending wagon. He’s always sported a very masculine image, one that’s been reinforced in part by the testosterone-charged roles he tends to play, so you can imagine my surprise when I found out that he’ll be wearing falsies in his upcoming Fall drama special.

Oh Daito, if not for this picture, I’d never have imagined you’d look so cute in a blond wig and pink dress XDDDDD

Continue reading “He’s a Woman, She’s a Man…”