You Are My Glory: an ItaKiss for Grown Ups without all the toxic nonsense

Have you ever wondered what Itazura na Kiss (Playful Kiss/Mischievous Kiss/Whatever you want to call it) would be like if Naoki wasn’t an asshole and Kotoko didn’t have the IQ of a plant?

The answer, gentle reader, can be found in the 2021 Chinese rom-com You are My Glory, or as I like to call it, Itazura na Kiss: Love in Shanghai (Grown Up edition).

Continue reading “You Are My Glory: an ItaKiss for Grown Ups without all the toxic nonsense”

Nothing But You (2023): A character-driven romance done right

Will these two end up together? Y/Y?

*Blows dust off blog*

So … how long has it been since my last post?

Never in a billion years did I ever think I would come out of blogging retirement to write about, of all things, a Chinese drama but as the saying goes, there’s a first time for everything and besides, where else am I supposed to offload all these FEELINGS?

Let me preface this by saying that I don’t follow the Chinese entertainment scene, know nothing about the cast, and only learned about Nothing But You’s existence when I came across this post on The China Project. At first, I assumed it was going to have a similar vibe to The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, one of my favourite K-dramas back in the day. However a few episodes in, it became clear that describing it as a noona romance, to adopt K-drama parlance, was an oversimplification. At its heart, this is a story about growth and self-actualization framed around the relationship between the two lead characters. While I will always have fond feelings for The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry and its leading ladies, this is the better drama in terms of its writing and execution. In fact, it spoke to my cold calcified heart in a way that such shows as Crash Landing On You never did.

Continue reading “Nothing But You (2023): A character-driven romance done right”

I have seen the light

At around this time last year, an extremely rare phenomenon occurred: one of hell’s circles froze over. Well, I have crawled out of hibernation to let you know that the deep freeze has extended its reach and if you listen closely, you might just be able to hear the faint ringing echoes of a crazed maniacal laugh.

Continue reading “I have seen the light”

Questions and Answers

Considering that I have not been the most consistent of bloggers, I was very surprised when Jenny of Kdrama&More told me that she had nominated me for a Liebster award. Thank you very much for this, Jenny. I am v. v. flattered to be included on your list given that I completed only one K-drama last year (and haven’t even gotten around to writing about it yet =.=)

I’m aware that there’s another component to the Liebster Awards but I think I’ll answer your questions first because knowing me, it will take another five billion years before I get around to the rest of it. So here goes:

1) If you could go on a date with an actor/actress for one day who would you choose and why? Continue reading “Questions and Answers”